Reception Home Learning

Day 37 Literacy

Writing a sentence about Handa’s Surprise.

Day 35 Literacy writing a list

Watch Mr Brown show you how to write a list of the fruits in the story Handa’s Surprise.

How to draw a story map

Come and find out what a story map is so you can make your own for the story Rosie’s Walk.

Maths Day 32

Come and learn how to sort using a Venn diagram.

Day 33 Literacy

Writing a sentence about the fox in the story Fox’s Tale by Reception. This story is saved in teacher story time.

Day 31 Literacy. Writing a sentence about Rosie the hen

Watch the video then write your own sentence about the adventures of Rosie the Hen.

Day 29 Literacy. Writing a list. Rosie’s Walk

Watch the video and then write your own list of animals you can spot in the story.


Listen to the story with a grown up. Something sad happens. A story about death.

Day 25. Literacy. Chinese New Year list and sentence

Can you write a list of all 12 animals in the story? You could have a go at a sentence about the story too. Who won the race?

The Great Race

A story about Chinese New Year. How the years got their names.

Day 23 Literacy

Writing a list of the animals in the Incy Wincy Spider story. The story can be found under teacher story time.

Day 22 Literacy

Writing. Sentence about Incy Wincy Spider

Lord of the Animals

A Creation Myth

The Story Of the Creation

A Christian story about the creation of the world.

Shared read. Nip! Nip!

Mr Brown reads this lovely book with a fun activity for you to do at the end! 🦀

Shared read. Cubs

Red level information book.

Shared read. The Big Splash

Pink level book. Practise her and she as well as blending.

Shared read; In a pit

Listen and join in with a shared reading session from Mr Brown

Shared read. Big Mud Run

Red level reading book. Blending and tricky word work.

Shared read; Map Man

Mr Brown reads Map Man

Shared read The Farmer’s Lunch

Pink level book. Practise of tricky word my.

Story time. A Busy Day for Birds

Mr Brown reads (and adds actions to) A Busy Day for Birds by Lucy Cousins.

Day 6 phonics. Part 3 of 3. Shared read ‘Dinosaur Rock’

Pink level reading book looking for the new tricky word ‘they’. The dinosaurs make a band.

Shared read ‘Ding Dong’

Miss Surridge shares a red level reading book about Max the bat. Practising blending and tricky words.

Mrs Slater reads Goldilocks and the Three Bears 🐻🐻🐻

Reception Day 8 Maths home learning is to set up a picnic for the three bears. Listen to the story with Mrs Slater then set up your picnic. Remember to talk about the different sizes of the bears, bowls and cutlery. 🐻🐻🐻

Shared read ‘In the Garden’

Miss Surridge shares a reading book. Learning tricky word ‘the’.